Inspired by Nature

Made from Nature

Angel’s Apothecary wouldn’t exist without my first business & baby… Moonlight Magic!

Back in 2015, while living in Amherst, Massachusetts I began making candles completely on a whim. I felt called to go into this little shop for weeks and when I finally did, the shop owner asked if I happened to know anyone who made soy candles — I very confidently replied “I do!”

I had never made a candle in my entire life and here I am not only saying that I do, but that I’ll also bring in some “samples!” I swear something must’ve spoke through me that day… I still look back and laugh at how this all started. Little did I know how much life was about to change and how much growth, tears and fulfilment this journey would bring.

Now almost a decade later, I am so proud of the very anxious 19-year-old girl who took a chance and jumped headfirst into something new. By lots of trial & error, intuition and hard work Moonlight Magic has evolved into so many different things — now including Angel’s Apothecary.

I remember dreaming of the days I’d have my own little family to make herbal remedies for. I had spent years concocting up different products that would be healing for everyone, while also bringing a little magic to the mundane. In 2021, the dream began to unfold when my husband and I welcomed our son, Angel, into the world. Now I’m here to keep this journey moving along, while sharing the natural medicine & healing the Earth has to offer.

Welcome to Angel’s Apothecary

Love & Magic,




Every ingredient is considered when being added to our products. The Earth offers a myriad of natural remedies and taking the time to learn them is part of the magic. Below are some of the ingredients we regularly incorporate into our recipes.

- Essential Oils

- Dried Flowers & Herbs

- Oils & Butters

- Beeswax

- Soy Wax

And a whole lotta magic!